Your Daily Yoga
$30 a month after 7-day free trial
A collection of yoga asana, yin yoga mobility & strength, and visualization journeys.
7-day free trial. Month-to-month renewal once your trial is over. Cancel or freeze anytime you need a break.
Photography by Lucas Ralston @lucas_ralston
Copyright © 2023. Layla Brook Health, LLC. All Rights Reserved
Let's Meditate
2 videos
Dive into these meditation basics. Don't stress if you get distracted, have thoughts, or feel resistance. Be gentle with yourself. Be with the meditation, and notice any sensations or thoughts that present themself as you do. Be patient. Ideally, daily practice will provide the most fruitful ben...
Yoga Flows
4 videos
These yoga flows relax the nervous system and promote mind-body healing.
By participating in the following classes, you understand that yoga & exercise are not a substitute for medical attention, examination, diagnosis, or treatment. Certain movements may not be recommended and are not safe unde...
Strength & Mobility Yoga
7 videos
These yoga classes improve sustainable joint mobility and physical strength.
By participating in the following classes, you understand that yoga & exercise are not a substitute for medical attention, examination, diagnosis, or treatment. Certain movements may not be recommended and are not safe ...
Your Daily Yoga
A collection of yoga asana, yin yoga mobility & strength, and visualization journeys.
7-day free trial. Month-to-month renewal once your trial is over. Cancel or freeze anytime you need a break.
Photography by Lucas Ralston @lucas_ralston
Copyright © 2023. Layla Brook Health, LLC. All Rights...
Intuitive Nourishment
1 video
The Nourishment Healing Guide teaches you how to nourish your body and soul intuitively. It asks you to reflect on the physical, emotional, and spiritual forms of nourishment that feel amazing to you. Use the three-minute intuitive nourishment meditation every day or multiple times a day!